
The Week In News Dev, Oct 17

Projects, code releases, and announcements

Al Jazeera’s interactive video of the US Presidential debate

We launched Source this week, and so far, we’ve covered the Code with me introductory workshop for journalists, Jessica Lord’s sheetsee.js project, a new API at ProPublica and Q&A with Al Shaw, and a SocketIO API for live TV captions, from OpenNews’s Dan Schultz.

Out in the rest of the journalism code world, a lot of other projects came to light.

Al Jazeera & OpenNews

Working with OpenNews fellow Mark Boas, Al Jazeera released interactive video of the second US Presidential debate (shown above), which allows readers to search, crop, and share specific clips and phrases from the video.

The Washington Post

The Washington Post’s Homicides in the District app

The Washington Post analyzed the results of homicide cases in Washington, DC between 2000 and 2011 (accompanying article). The project is the culmination of a 15-month longitudinal study of homicide cases, and the interactive app includes time-lapse mapping, visual and text summaries, and filtering by year, case status, victim age and race, motive, and manner of homicide.

The New York Times

Mapping the shooting patterns of the Miami Heat and Oklahoma City Thunder

The New York Times development team produced an Interactive replay of the US Vice-Presidential debate, with video, transcripts, annotations, and graphics, maps and analysis of shooting patterns for the players on the Miami Heat and the Oklahoma City Thunder (visualization, analysis), and interactive annotations of a speech by a member of the US Federal Reserve Board, including video.

The Guardian

BBC executives during Saville’s career

The Guardian created interactive passing and shooting “chalkboards” from the Bolton vs Man City match in August 2011, based on detailed performance data from Manchester City and Opta Sports (data and interactive analysis, using Tableau) and published an interactive chart matching BBC executive tenures with the radio and television career of former presenter Jimmy Saville. The team also launched its US Elections Data site, which collects US election, economic and demographic data, and released a series of data visualizations with accompanying data sets.

Additions and corrections

Want to add or correct information? Comment below, send a note to source@opennews.org, or find us on Twitter at @Source.




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