
News nerds, what do you need?

Help shape OpenNews and its work supporting the journalism-code community

(m. kasahara)

Today we’d like to ask for your help. At OpenNews, we publish Source as part of our efforts to support the people doing programming, design, and data work in newsrooms. We know this community is exceptionally good at peer-to-peer learning, and we try to create many ways for you to connect and share your work, from Source to SRCCON.

OpenNews has been around for five (!) years and Source for nearly four. We want to better understand how our programs may have influenced your work and career so that we can use that feedback to plan for the future of OpenNews.

To that end, we present a a very exciting survey. (A firm called Network Impact has put together this survey, and will gather and assess the results. Your individual responses will always be kept confidential.)

Do It for the Data

The survey also includes a super-duper bonus section of a “News Nerd Census” to gather information about this community overall, which we know many of you have been eager to see for a long time. We’re going to share back an aggregate summary of the results from this survey so the wider community can learn from it. It will also inform the further development of our program.

Or Maybe for a Prize

Plus, by participating you can enter to win a $100 Amazon gift card.

Do It Soon!

The survey closes on Sunday, July 10 so please take a look now, and then share with your colleagues.

We’re grateful to have been able to work with hundreds of developers, designers, data analysts, and journalism lovers over the past five years. Your survey responses will help us ensure our program remains responsive to the needs of this community. We know that community support is important to ensuring you can focus on doing meaningful work and that this community is diverse, healthy, and well cared for. Thank you!




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