Event Roundup, Oct 10
Upcoming journalism code events and deadlines

Tickets are still available for Transparency Camp this weekend, so join a bunch of civic hackers and journalists in Cleveland!
- October 12: GraphHack at GraphConnect SF 2016 (Hackathon) (San Francisco, CA)
- October 13: Building VR charts with Three.js (London, UK)
- October 14-15: TransparencyCamp 2016 (Cleveland, OH)
- October 15: BarCamp News Innovation (Philadelphia, PA)
- October 15: VR Video: Intro to 360 Shooting and Stitching (New York, NY)
- October 16: Community Leadership Summit Europe (London, UK)
- October 18: GNSI-DC Oct meeting: Science Visualization at National Geographic (Washington, DC)
- October 19: Hacks/Hackers London: October meetup (London, UK)
- October 21-22: 100 Women: BBC Hack in collaboration with Facebook (London, UK)
- October 21-23: Media Party Africa (Cape Town, South Africa)
- October 28-30: Mozilla Festival (London, UK)
- October 14: Last day to apply for Knight Visiting Nieman Fellowship
- October 14: Last day to apply to the National Press Awards
- October 31: Last day to apply for Kiplinger Fellowship
- November 6: Last day to apply early action for the Emma Bowen Foundation Fellowship in media
- November 28: Last day to propose a sessions for the Internet Freedom Festival
- January 2: Last day to apply for Medill graduate scholarship and internship program
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: source@opennews.org.