Event Roundup, Apr 4
Upcoming journalism code events and deadlines

It’s time to pitch your sessions to SRCCON! We’re accepting proposals till April 20.
- April 5: Hacks/Hackers Toronto: Let’s talk data tools (Toronto, Ontario)
- April 6: Kleine Anfragen und Co. (München, Germany)
- April 6-10: International Journalism Festival (Perugia, Italy)
- April 9: Bot Summit 2016 (London, UK)
- April 9: APME NewsTrain (Lincoln, NS)
- April 13: Sensor Reporting For The Environment (New York, NY)
- April 13-14: Hacks/Hackers Connect: Austin (Austin, TX)
- April 14-16: Chicas Poderosas-FIU (Miami, FL)
- April 15-16: The Art of Bots (London, UK)
- April 15-16: Theorizing the Web (New York, NY)
- April 15-16: International Symposium on Online Journalism (Austin, TX)
- April 18: Data Storytelling Workshop (Portland, OR)
- April 23: FOIA Data Hackathon (New York, NY)
- April 29: TechRaking Berlin 16 (Berlin, Germany)
- May 3-4: csv,conf,v2 (Berlin, Germany)
- April 10: Last day to enter the Data Journalism Awards
- April 13: Last day to pitch to #Botweek on Source
- April 13: Last day to pitch to Open Source Bridge
- April 14: Last day to apply to join ONA student newsroom
- April 15: Last day to apply for impactAFRICA funding
- April 20: Last day to pitch to SRCCON
- May 1: Last day to apply to the BuzzFeed Openlab fellowship
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: source@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.