Event Roundup, December 4
Upcoming journalism code events and deadlines

SRCCON:WORK kicks off on Thursday, and you can check out our series of Q&A’s with SRCCON:WORK speakers.
- December 4: Deep dive into Reuter’s data stories with their Graphics Editor Christine Chan (Singapore)
- December 5: Data Journalism UK 2017 (Birmingham,
UK) - December 7-8: SRCCON:WORK (Philadelphia, PA)
- December 9: Conferecias & Taller. Medios digitales 2018 (Quito, Ecuador)
- Soon: Pitch a session to the Society of News Design conference
- December 4: Last day to apply to the John S. Knight Stanford Fellowship
- December 15: Last day to apply for Scripps Howard Foundation fellowship
- December 17: Last day to apply for Knight Data Journalism Fellowship
- December 31: Last day to pitch to the International Journalism Festival 2018
- January 15: Last day to apply for Google News Lab fellowship
- February 1: Last day for U.S. applicants to apply to the Knight-Wallace Fellowship
If that’s not enough deadlines for you, you can always check out the jobs section of our site for new postings.
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: erika@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.