Event Roundup, Feb 4
Upcoming journalism code events

- Feb 7-8: Latest Technology & News Reporting of Modern Media - A Pedagogic Perspective (Visakhapatnam, India)
- Feb 8-9: Journalism Interactive: The Conference on Journalism Education and Digital Media (Gainesville, Florida)
- Feb 11: Mediashift Mixer at Book^2 Camp and Tools of Change (New York City)
- Feb 16: Civic Hackers Iconathon (Miami, Florida)
- Feb 23: Investigative Journalism Iconathon (New York City)
- Feb 28-Mar 3: National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting Conference (Louisville, KY)
- Feb 6: Apply for the TransparencyCamp International Program (first rolling deadline)
- Feb 8: AP-Google Scholarship (last day to apply)
- Feb 18: Investigative Reporters and Editors Conference session proposals (last day to apply)
- Mar 1: OpenVis Conf speaker proposals (rolling deadline)
- Mar 25: Grants for Innovation in Development Reporting (last day to apply)
- April 5: The Data Journalism Awards (last day to enter)
Do you have suggestions on upcoming deadlines or events? Please let us know: source@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.