Event Roundup, January 8
Upcoming journalism code events and deadlines

NICAR is coming, and today’s the deadline for their fellowships to attend.
- January 11: Visualising geographical data with QGis (London, UK)
- January 13: Playing with the ProPublica Congress API (Part 2)!! (Washington, DC)
- January 16: Narrative storytelling panel “Constructing Narrative” (Los Angeles, CA)
- January 18: Digital Tools Show & Tell (St. Louis, MO)
- January 27: 第八場小聚:打造你的第一隻Chatbot! (Taipei, Taiwan)
- January 8: Last day to apply for IRE Fellowships to NICAR
- January 15: Last day to apply for Google News Lab fellowship
- January 31: Last day to apply for the Berkman Klein Fellowship
- February 1: Last day for U.S. applicants to apply to the Knight-Wallace Fellowship
- February 2: Last day to apply to participate in ONA’s Journalism Mentorship Collaborative
- February 4: Last day to sign up to participate in NICAR’s mentorship program
If that’s not enough deadlines for you, you can always check out the jobs section of our site for new postings.
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: erika@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.