Event Roundup, July 31
Upcoming journalism code events and deadlines

We’re coming to Minneapolis, and if you won’t be there in person, you can follow along online.
- August 1: Summer Lightning Talks at Upstatement (Boston, MA)
- August 3-4: SRCCON 2017 (Minneapolis, MN)
- August 5: Mapping for storytelling (demo + workshop) (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
- August 9-13: NABJ Convention (New Orleans, LA)
- August 10: CODING CAMP: From Twitter Bots to Crossword Puzzles (St. Louis, MO)
- August 24-31: 2017 Storyology (Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Australia)
- August 1: Last day to submit proposal to Dodging the Memory Hole: Saving Online News
- August 1 Last day to submit a proposal to the Mozilla Festival
- August 1: Last day to submit paper to Computation+Journalism Symposium
- August 15: Last day to submit paper to SciPyLA2017
- August 18: Last day to apply for Poynter-NABJ Leadership Academy for Diversity in Digital Media
- September 29: Last day to apply for a Knight Visiting Nieman Fellowship
If that’s not enough deadlines for you, you can always check out the jobs section of our site for new postings.
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: erika@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.