Event Roundup, June 17
Upcoming journalism code events and deadlines

The Knight-Mozilla-MIT hack day is sold out, but email us if you would like to be added to the wait list. (Image from hack day eventbrite page)
- June 16-20: Open Media Mapping Hackathon (Bucharest, Romania)
- June 17: Datatón: Taller de scraping y datos sobre Educación, Dinero y Política (Santiago, Chile)
- June 18: How to Win the Interwebs with Meaning: Upworthy, hosted by Hacks/Hackers (San Francisco, CA)
- June 19: Responsive Web Design 101 (Toronto, Canada)
- June 19-21: Global Editors Network News Summit (Paris, France)
- June 20: School of Data workshop & Open Data Maker Night en Buenos Aires (OKNF) (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- June 20-23: Allied Media Conference (Detroit, MI)
- June 20-23: Investigative Reporters and Editors Conference (San Antonio, TX)
- June 22-23: Knight-Mozilla-MIT “Insider/Outsider” Civic Data Hack Day (Boston, MA)
- June 24-25: AbreLatAm (Montevideo, Uruguay)
- June 27: Demo Day, Summer 2013 Edition (New York, NY)
- June 29: Inria / Open News Scrapatón: Anunciaremos en breve los detalles (Santiago, Chile)
- June 21: Online Journalism Awards (last day to apply)
- August 17: Knight-Mozilla Fellowships (last day to apply)
Know of any upcoming fellowship or event proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: source@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.