Event Roundup, June 5
Upcoming journalism code events and deadlines

IRE is coming to Phoenix later this month, and this week is the deadline for their Ottaway Fellowships for journalists of color to attend a IRE training. Apply by Tuesday.
- June 6: ONA: Learn about The Globe’s Unfounded data project (Toronto, Canada)
- June 7: Data visualizations in the newsroom (Seattle, WA)
- June 12 - July 9: Python for Data Journalists: Analyzing Money in Politics (Online)
- June 14: Fact checking and solutions journalism - event (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
- June 15-18: Allied Media Conference (Detroit, MI)
- June 20-23: Open Source Bridge (Portland, OR)
- June 22-25: Investigative Reporters & Editors Conference (Phoenix, AZ)
- June 23-24: 2017 Latino Media Summit (New York, NY) July 6-7: European Data and Computational Journalism Conference (Dublin, Ireland)
- June 5: Last day to submit abstract to 2CO_COmmunicating COmplexity
- June 7: Last day to apply for IRE’s Ottaway Fellowship
- June 8: Last day to enter Online Journalism Awards
- June 16: Last day to pitch to the People-Powered Publishing Conference
- August 15: Last day to submit paper to SciPyLA2017
If that’s not enough deadlines for you, you can always check out the jobs section of our site for new postings.
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: erika@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.