Event Roundup, May 26
Upcoming Journalism Code Events and Deadlines

Be sure to apply by Friday, May 29 at midnight ET. (Photo: ONA website)
- May 26: London NewsGames meetup (London, UK)
- May 27: Safer Internet, Better Journalism: Quinn Norton on Network Thinking for Journos (San Francisco, CA)
- June 3: Monthly Drinks with Online News Association Singapore Chapter (Singapore)
- June 3-7: III Jornadas de Periodismo de Datos (Madrid, Pamplona, Barcelona, Spain)
- June 4-7: Investigative Reporters and Editors Conference (Philadelphia, PA)
- June 5: HH Data & Beers #JPD15 (Barcelona, Spain)
- June 5-6: Canadian Association of Journalists Annual Conference (Halifax, NS)
- June 5-7: #hacksanfermin (Pamplona, Spain)
- June 9: #HHVE intervista dati sul turismo (Venezia, Italy)
- June 12: ONACamp Indianapolis (Indianapolis, IN)
- June 25-26: SRCCON (Minneapolis, MN)
- June 26-28: CODEX Hackathon (San Francisco, CA)
- June 27: Hacks/Hackers Connect Berlin (Berlin, Germany)
- May 29: Last day to enter the Online Journalism Awards
- June 15: Last day to pitch a session to Write the Docs Europe
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: source@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.