Event Roundup, May 5
Upcoming Journalism Code Events and Deadlines

Dataharvest+ is taking place May 9-11 in Brussels.
- May 5: Lohikoski, Leppänen ja Lahtinen: Media ja paikallisuus. Onko paikalla väliä? (Helsinki, Finland)
- May 9-10: Foro de Periodismo Argentino hackatón (Cordoba, Argentina)
- May 9-11: Dataharvest+ (Brussels, Belgium)
- May 9: EcoHack World em São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil)
- May 13: “Breathless and Burdened” with IRE DC (Washington, DC)
- May 13: Spring social meet (Hong Kong)
- May 17: Mapatón: Taller de mapeo con Open Street Map Chile (Santiago, Chile)
- May 30-31: Editors Lab Reuters Hackdays (New York, NY)
- May 31: #techLA: A Technology and Innovation Conference at Los Angeles City Hall (Los Angeles, CA)
- May 31-June 1: Journalism School Hackathon at UNC (Chapel Hill, NC)
- May 31-June 1: TransparencyCamp (Arlington, VA)
- June 7-8: Coliberator 2014 (Bucharest, Romania)
- June 24-27: Open Source Bridge (Portland, OR)
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: source@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.