Event Roundup, Oct 19
Upcoming Journalism Code Events and Deadlines

This week in Berlin, Knight-Mozilla Fellow Francis Tseng will co-moderate a workshop at UNCOMMONS.
- October 19: NewsGames meetup: Syria edition (London, UK)
- October 20: Data Driven Investigation (Dublin, Ireland)
- October 20: Adventures in Media Innovation (Austin, TX)
- October 21: Meet The New Tropic Founders (Miami, FL)
- October 22: Journocoders workshop: Building Twitter bots at the Guardian (London, UK)
- October 22-24: UN|COMMONS (Berlin, Germany)
- October 25: Journocoders Weekend Hangout (London, UK)
- October 27: Hacks/Hackers HKI: Refugees (save the date) (Helsinki, Finland)
- October 27: Sesión de datos electorales en los medios (Barcelona, Spain)
- October 28: Crypto 101 - Communications securisées pour journalistes (Montreal, Quebec)
- October 29: Hacks / Hackers #11 (Zurich, Switzerland)
- October 30: Transforming Journalism Through Interactivity at The Wall Street Journal (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- October 30 - November 1: Dutch Open Hackathon (Amsterdamn, Netherlands)
- November 2: Hacks/Hackers November Meetup (Hong Kong)
- November 2-13: 19 Million Project (Rome, Italy)
- November 3: Refugee Hackathon (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- November 4: The Media Society: Data Journalism-Mapping the Future DATA (London, UK)
- November 5: Welcome the 2016 Knight-Mozilla Fellows (London, UK)
- November 6-8: Mozilla Festival (London, UK)
- November 12: Ethical Hacking (Miami, FL)
- November 12: Journalism + Silicon Valley (New York, NY)
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: source@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.