Event Roundup, October 9
Upcoming journalism code events and deadlines

The Computation+Journalism Symposium heads to Northwestern this weekend.
- October 13-14: Computation + Journalism 2017 Symposium (Evanston, IL)
- October 16: Data viz & virtual reality? Rebecca Pazos talks about ST’s first VR experiment (Singapore)
- October 17: Meetup: ONA Triangle + Daily Tar Heel + Reese News Lab (Raleigh, NC)
- October 18: Fighting Fake News (Washington, DC)
- October 18: Hacks/Hackers #35 – Post-election special (Berlin, Germany)
- October 18: Digital Media All-Star Panel (Las Vegas, NV)
- October 19 Panel: Changes to the state public records law (Boston, MA)
- October 19: Mental Health + Self-care for Digital Journalists (St. Louis, MO)
- October 23: What is the future of adaptive narratives? (London, UK)
- October 24-25: #newsHACK: Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) (London, UK)
- October 25: Charts & data for journalists with Quartz’ Atlas for Africa & StoryLab Academy (Johannesburg, South Africa)
- October 25: Hacks/Hackers London: October meetup (London, UK)
- October 25: Intelligence artificielle + journalisme / Artificial intelligence + journalism (Montreal, Quebec)
- October 26: OpenNews Unconference on Journalism Tech (London, UK)
- October 27-29: Mozilla Festival (London, UK)
- November 1: Building News Experiences for Voice User Interfaces (Seattle, WA)
- November 4: Klein News Innovation Camp 2017 (Philadelphia, PA)
- November 9-11: Hack the Gender Gap: Women’s Hackathon on Diversifying AI at WVU (Morgantown, WV)
- November 15-16: Dodging the Memory Hole 2017 (San Francisco, CA)
- October 14: Last day to apply to participate in the Washington News Nerds’ Tacoma (un)conference
- November 20: Last day to apply for European cross-border research journalism grants
- December 31: Last day to pitch to the International Journalism Festival 2018
If that’s not enough deadlines for you, you can always check out the jobs section of our site for new postings.
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: erika@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.