Event Roundup, Sept 14
Upcoming Journalism Code Events and Deadlines

It’s already time to think about next year’s NICAR conference. Get your session proposals in by September 25.
- September 14: La notizia su Instagram (Venezia, Italy)
- September 15: Journocoders workshop: Data viz with D3 (London, UK)
- September 15: September BigWP (New York, NY)
- September 16: Data Journalism and Investigations in Political Reporting (Sydney, Australia)
- September 16: Hacker les élections comme un journaliste (Montreal, Quebec)
- September 17: Digital Tools for your Journalism Tool Belt (Rochester, NY)
- September 17-19: MediaChicas! El evento de mujeres para innovar en medios! (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- September 22: Introduction to Git and GitHub (Manchester, UK)
- September 22: Peek into a successful microsite: the AJC’s Battle of Atlanta (Atlanta, GA)
- September 23: Inside Google News: Evolving with the Digital and Mobile Age (Pasadena, CA)
- September 24: NewsGames meetup (London, UK)
- September 24: Hacks/Hackers September Meetup (London, UK)
- September 24: A cultura dos desenvolvedores dentro da redação do GloboEsporte (São Paulo, Brazil)
- September 24-26: ONA15 (Los Angeles, CA)
- October 1-4: Experience Engagement (Portland, OR)
- October 2-3: Open Source & Feelings Conference (Seattle, WA)
- October 8-11: Global Investigative Journalism Conference (Lillehammer, Norway)
- October 9-11: Hack the Gender Gap: Women’s Hackathon at USC Annenberg (Los Angeles, CA)
- October 22-24: UN|COMMONS (Berlin, Germany)
- October 30: Transforming Journalism Through Interactivity at The Wall Street Journal (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- September 14: Last day to apply to SNDMakes Austin
- September 25: Last day to propose a session to NICAR 2016
- October 15: Last day to apply for the National Press Foundation’s Best Use of Technology In Journalism Award
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: source@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.