SRCCON 2018 Recap
A full list of transcripts and other links to things we did

Outgoing OpenNews Director Dan Sinker addresses the crowd. (Erik Westra)
We’re back from this year’s SRCCON—two days of learning, working, and taking care of each other. Documenting an entire conference isn’t easy, but it was a team effort. Here’s a look at what happened during SRCCON 2018. We’ll also be following up on SRCCON during our community call on July 19!
Session Documentation
Lots of sessions were transcribed, and some also had vibrant Etherpads. Here’s a list of transcribed sessions:
Managing the blind spots in community news coverage - Dana Amihere
Navigating technical communication with journalists - Lauren Flannery, Karen Hao
The Interview: Building a practice of listening and asking questions in our work | Notes - David Yee
Radical listening - How do you design a media membership program focused on participation | Notes - Anika Gupta, Andrew McGill
Archiving News Websites for the Long Long Term | Notes - Albert Sun, Kathleen Hansen
Don’t Panic: the guide to working without an editor, even if you have one sitting right next to you - Lo Benichou, Casey Miller
Kickoff Kit: helping new teams move faster by aligning early | Notes - Rosy Catanach, Sara Bremen Rabstenek
Off the shelf and into the open: forging academia-journalism partnerships to bring findings out of journals and original research into reporting | Notes - Laura Laderman, Sinduja Rangarajan
Sick (journalist) theory: real talk about navigating disability in the newsroom | Notes - Jasmine Mithani, Hannah Birch
Without Free or Favor: Compelling readers to pay for news (tote bags not included) | Notes - Sara Konrad Baranowski, Matt Raw
Let’s build the data journalism textbook we need, and break academic publishing while we’re at it. | Notes - Matt Waite, Sarah Cohen
Toward an ethical framework for engagement | Notes - Jennifer Brandel, Andrew Haeg
Talk Less. Listen More. How Listening Can Help Journalists Begin to Repair Relationships with Marginalized or Ignored Communities | Notes - Amy L. Kovac-Ashley, David Plazas
Reimagining news nerd career paths | Notes - Soo Oh, Martin Stabe
Preparing for security vulnerabilities if you’re an open source maintainer or user | Notes - Ted Han, Mike Tigas
Restoring our reader’s privacy in a time of none | Notes - Michael Donohoe, Matt Dennewitz
Leading News Orgs to Water by Hacking Our Hiring | Notes - Tiff Fehr, Ryann Grochowski Jones
More security trainers, please! | Notes - Amanda Hickman, Kevin O’Gorman
Visualization as a Civil Right (bring your headphones!) | Notes - Thomas Wilburn, Joanna Kao
New phone, who dis: Building intimate audience relationships without the creep factor. - Sam Ward, Hannah Young
Sure, You’re Making Tools. But Do People Use Them? | Notes - Becky Bowers, Tyler Chance
Visualizing data by hand | Notes - Amelia McNamara
Are you running an experiment, or are you just winging it? | Notes - Sarah D Schmalbach, Sasha Koren
Whine & Shine: A support group for nerds, journalists and those who bridge the gap | Notes - Hannah Wise
More Things
- Incoming OpenNews director Erika Owens closed out the conference with some reflections on our time at SRCCON and what’s ahead for OpenNews. This is an adapted version of her closing talk.
- Lots of sessions were shared piece by piece, and they are mostly all tagged #SRCCON.
- We put out the call for attendees to donate to the GoFundMe for Capital Gazette victims.
- We announced the first-ever OpenNews donor campaign.
- We’ll be sharing session writeups on Source in the coming weeks. Did you facilitate a session? Did you attend and document a session? Reach out to source@opennews.org.
What Else?
If you’ve got slides, notes, sketches, or any other documentation to share, here’s a Google Doc in which to drop it.
Lindsay Muscato
Editor of Source from 2015-2020