Welcome to OpenNews Learning on Source
In-depth case studies and how-tos from amazing news devs

OpenNews Learning, now on Source.
Today, we launched OpenNews Learning, a brand-new kind of awesomeness hosted here on Source. We’re opening with three crunchy case studies from three heavy hitters: Adrian Holovaty on designing sane data updates, Miranda Mulligan on color in mapping and visualizations, and Matt Waite on the unexpected challenges of working with public data, all coordinated and edited by our Learning ringleader, Kio Stark.
These three case studies are just the beginning—we’ll have new ones going up through this summer from an amazing group of working journalist-developers. Each one will walk through real-world projects, talk through the complexities encountered along the way, and step through real solutions and choices that worked in newsrooms and on journalistic problem sets.
Dan and Kio have written more about the new Learning initiative on their blogs, and you can follow us at @Source to keep abreast of the new case studies as they arrive. It’s going to be a great summer.
Erin Kissane
Editor, Source, 2012-2018.