Event Roundup, Jan 30
Upcoming journalism code events and deadlines

Deadlines are this week for the Knight-Wallace Fellowship and Nieman Fellowship.
- January 31: Writers, Researchers, and Technologists Unite (Portland, OR)
- February 1: Hacks Hackers Warsaw #3 (Warsaw, Poland)
- January 31-February 1: #newsHACK - Transcriptor (London, UK)
- February 4: HHSG BUILD: FEB 4 (Singapore)
- February 5: New Orleans Nerd Super Bowl (New Orleans, LA)
- February 6: News Impact Summit: Paris (Paris, France)
- February 8: news:rewired (London, UK)
- February 8: Wait, what’s going on with the nonprofit owner of Philly.com? (Philadelphia, PA)
- February 10: Maps and Graphics with Brian Jacobs (Philadelphia, PA)
- February 10-11: Data Party (Datatón del poder) (Caracas, Venezuela)
- February 18-19: News Hack (Phoenix, AZ)
- February 22: Hacks/Hackers London: February meetup (London, UK)
- February 24-26: MisinfoCon (Cambridge, MA)
- March 2-5: 2017 CAR Conference (Jacksonville, FL)
- March 11: Visualized Milan (Milan, Italy)
- January 31: Last day to apply for the Nieman Fellowship
- February 1: Last day for U.S. applicants to the Knight-Wallace Fellowship
- February 3: Last day to apply for AAJA’s Executive Leadership Program
- February 10: Last day to propose a talk to Write the Docs North America
- February 15: Last day to propose a talk to csv,conf
- March 31: Last day to apply to ProPublica’s Data Institute
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: source@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.