
Projects walkthroughs, tool teardowns, interviews, and more.

  1. Things You Made, Nov 21

    By Lindsay Muscato

    Posted on

    Our regular biweekly roundup.

  2. You’re Perfect, We Can’t Hire You

    By Erin Kissane and Disha Raychaudhuri

    Posted on

    SRCCON:WORK is coming up fast. In the run-up to the event, we’re publishing short interviews with the nine people selected to give talks to frame the participatory sections at the heart of the conference. Here’s our Q&A; with Disha Raychaudhuri.

  3. Event Roundup, November 20

    By Erika Owens

    Posted on

    If you get some time off this week, might be a great chance to submit some applications.

  4. How We Made “The Water Drain”

    By Lindsay Muscato and Cecilia Reyes

    Posted on

    To piece together the bigger picture of water usage and how much people pay, the Tribune team used a variety of data sources, including their own survey. They found wide disparities in what residents were paying for water, with the poorest communities paying the most.

  5. Event Roundup, November 13

    By Erika Owens

    Posted on

    Talking news archives this week, plus a sharing lessons from ONA17.

  6. Wanted: Your Syllabi and Most-Shared Resources

    By Erin Kissane

    Posted on

    We launched Source Guides a couple of years ago as a way of giving readers new angles on our archives—but it quickly became apparent that they’d work even better if they included external resources as well. Earlier this year, we opened up Guides to non-staff curators, and as we look toward the end of the year, we want your Guide pitches.

  7. Things You Made, Nov 7

    By Lindsay Muscato

    Posted on

    Our regular biweekly roundup.

  8. Event Roundup, November 6

    By Erika Owens

    Posted on

    Diversity and inclusion meetup in St. Louis, plus hacking the gender gap in West Virginia.

  9. How to Save DNAInfo/Gothamist Bylines

    By Erin Kissane

    Posted on

    The owner of the DNAInfo and Gothamist family of local news websites shut the sites down today, which means that not only are all their 115 journalists out of work, but all their bylines—and all the vital information in their years of reporting—is gone.

  10. Forms Matter

    By Lena Groeger

    Posted on

    Whether you’re filling out a form or building it yourself, you should be aware that decisions about how to design a form have all kinds of hidden consequences. How you ask a question, the order of questions, the wording and format of the questions, even whether a question is included at all—all affect the final result.

  11. Event Roundup, October 30

    By Erika Owens

    Posted on

    Klein News Innovation Camp this week, plus meetups and deadlines.

  12. How (and Why) the Financial Times made The Uber Game

    By David Blood, Joanna S. Kao, Nicolai Knoll, Robin Kwong, Callum Locke, and Ændrew Rininsland

    Posted on

    An experiment by the Financial Times led readers through the life of an Uber driver.

  13. Things You Made, Oct 24

    By Erin Kissane and Lindsay Muscato

    Posted on

    Our regular biweekly roundup.

  14. Reinventing the Wheel, Over and Over Again

    By Rachel Schallom

    Posted on

    Like most managers within the journalism industry, Squire received no training or guidance on how to hire. Hiring managers are left to develop their own systems, and a candidate’s experience at a company can widely vary depending on how the hiring manager does things.

  15. Event Roundup, October 23

    By Erika Owens

    Posted on

    Journalism tech events all week in London in advance of MozFest!

  16. What We Learned from Staring at Social Media Data for a Year

    By Lam Thuy Vo

    Posted on

    The things you learn from staring at social media data for a year.

  17. Five Years in News Nerd Careers (Part II)

    By Brian Boyer, Kaeti Hinck, Geoff Hing, Gabriela Rodríguez Berón, Matt Waite, and Aaron Williams

    Posted on

    Marking our five-year anniversary with a community roundtable on what’s changed since we launched—part two.

  18. Five Years, What a Surprise

    By Erin Kissane

    Posted on

    How we made Source, and why, and what happened then.

  19. Five Years in News Nerd Careers

    By Emma Carew Grovum, Tiff Fehr, Tyler Fisher, Mago Torres, and Lam Thuy Vo

    Posted on

    Marking our five-year anniversary with a community roundtable on what’s changed since we launched.

  20. Event Roundup, October 16

    By Erika Owens

    Posted on

    SRCCON:WORK is coming up and we want to know why you’d like to attend. Plus, tons of meetups.

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